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The day to day management of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners is undertaken by the Clerk and is supported by a staff of four. Click on the staff's picture to read more about them.

The Clerk - S. Hanlon Esq., BA (Hons)

Clerk's Executive Assistant - Miss Kay Guest BSc (Hons)

Contact me for items for the Master & Clerk's attention, all members' events & general information.

Finance Officer - Mr. Atchu Sivakumar MSc

Contact me for membership subscriptions or quarterage, invoices and refunds.

Education & Outreach Manager - Mrs Emma Williams

Contact me for Mentee membership matters, School, College & University Links along with Charity enquiries.

Honorary Chaplain - The Reverend Reginald Sweet BA. RN

Honorary Almoner - VACANT

Honorary Marine Superintendent - VACANT

Honorary Chief Pedant - Mr. I A P Stitt