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6 Oct 2022
by Outports

Declarations October 2022

On Wednesday 5th October 2022 we had two Declaration Ceremonies.

In the morning we welcomed Ms. Monica Kohli as a Member of the Company.

(Left to Right: Assistant Clerk, Bill Collier; Warden, Matthew Burrow; Ms. Monica Kohli; the Master, Captain Robin Batt and; The Learned Clerk, Scott Hanlon).

In the afternoon we admitted: Captain Ross Millar and Lt Cdr John Brown to the Freedom of the Honourable Company; Captain Dr Paul Little as a Member of the Company and; Miss Elinor Thomas to the Apprenticeship Scheme.

(Left to Right: Assistant Clerk, Bill Collier; Miss Elinor Louise Thomas; Warden, Matthew Burrow; Lt Cdr John Brown; the Master, Captain Robin Batt; Captain Ross McCulloch Millar;Captain Dr Paul Littleand; The Learned Clerk, Scott Hanlon).

Welcome aboard!