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25 Jun 2020
by Outports

HCMM 94th Anniversary

On the 25th June 1926, the Company of Master Mariners finally came into being. Onboard our headquarters ship, HQS WELLINGTON, there is a list of the original 100 members, designated The Foundation Council, on whose faith and courage the Company was built.

Our founder, Sir Robert Burton-Chadwick, went straight to the great national newspapers of the day, and his efforts resulted in a wonderful press welcome. Here's an extract from The Times and the the last lines gave a clear indication of Sir Robert's further ambitions for the Company.

We are able to publish this morning an announcement of great interest to all who have heart the maintenance of the seafaring traditions of this island kingdom. A hundred of the leading men of the British Merchant Service have banded themselves together in an association founded and registered as the Company of Master Mariners. The title chosen for their fellowship is a proud and dignified reminder of the age and work of the Service...If at some future date, when it has proved its worth, it should so meet with the approval of the Sovereign as to be designated The Honourable Company of Master Mariners and still more if it should achieve the honour of welcoming a Sailor Prince as its Master, its success as the guardian of the interests of the Masters and men of the Mercantile Marine would be doubly assured.

The Times Newspaper, 29th June 1926