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18 Aug 2022
by Outports

Visit to the S.V. Glenlee

On the date of their regular Clyde Outport meeting, seven members plus a guest of the Honourable Secretary, visited the Tallship Glenlee in Glasgow for a guided tour. The group was first made welcome and given a short introduction by Lauren Henning, the Glenlee’s Learning and Access Manager. Thereafter the group toured the vessel guided by John Aitken (Freeman). John volunteers as a guide on Glenlee. The tour was well very received, with a few expressions of regret that the vessel had not been visited prior to this.

The Glenlee is a now rare example of a Clyde built steel windjammer, and the only one currently afloat in there UK. Having been built in Port Glasgow in 1896, she sailed as a general bulk cargo vessel, first as Glenlee then as Islamount from 1898. She traded throughout the First World War without incident. Her cargoes were diverse including grain, coal, fertiliser and case oil, and she circumnavigated the globe 5 times in the process. In 1919 she sailed as the Carastella, under the Italian flag trading in the Mediterranean. In 1922 she as sold to the Spanish Navy, where under the name of Galatea she became a sail training ship. After being decommissioned from the Spanish Navy and now in a poor state of repair she was brought back to Glasgow and restored. Since 1999 Glenlee has become a museum ship and a much loved Glasgow landmark. More information about The Tall Ship Glenlee can be found atwww.tallship.com.